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YogaFit Earth Day Ideas 2021

YogaFit Earth Day Ideas 2024

Earth Day promotes clean living and a healthy, sustainable habitat for people and wildlife alike. Celebrating Earth Day serves as a conscious reminder of how fragile our planet is and how important it is to protect it.

What can you do to promote the ideas of Earth Day? Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

1. Improve your personal ecosystem. Make your yard attractive to birds, bees, and butterflies. Start small with a bird feeder, or go big by planting a butterfly garden or a vegetable garden.

2. Invest in reusable food storage containers and water bottles to reduce plastic use. Take your own bags to the grocery store. Buy products in glass bottles instead of plastic. Recycle as much as you can.

3. Reduce energy and water consumption at home. Set up a rain barrel for that new garden. Set a timer for your shower. Repair any leaky faucets. Purchase energy-efficient lightbulbs. Want to make a bigger impact? Look into solar energy. They now make solar panels that are built right into roofing material. ☀️

4. Walk or bike rather than drive when you can. Save gas and harmful emissions and improve your health at the same time!

5. Get rid of unnecessary mail. Get bills and statements online. Take time to unsubscribe to catalogs you don’t need. Request to be removed from mailing lists. It can be tedious but think how much paper will be saved.

6. Volunteer for an Earth Day event in your area. OR create your own Earth Day event in your community. Pick up trash together and then do yoga together. Everyone wins, including the earth!

How will you celebrate Earth Day this year?


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