Conquer Your Fear – Tried and True Steps for Crow Pose, by Master Trainer Jenn Tarrant

Crow Pose! This is one that so many people want to be able to do, but honestly think that they can’t. Well, I am here to tell you that in many cases the only real thing holding you back is…fear. It can be pretty scary to balance on your arms in a position that looks […]
Aging in Reverse is win-win for all!

On January 11, 2021, we embarked on our first Aging in Reverse 8 week series with 14 beautiful souls. Each person came to the program for a different reason, but all with the common thread of the desire to improve their health and find community. Monday through Friday, for the last 8 weeks, these ladies […]
The Truth about Twists

As yoga instructors, we regularly hear “I don’t like yoga. They always try to twist you into a pretzel.” (Insert eye roll or internal cringe here.) Well…sometimes we do. Twisting poses are an integral part of a well-rounded active practice. Why should we twist? Our spine is meant to move through four planes of movement, […]
Prison Yoga
My YogaFit journey began about 10 years. I had worked in the fitness industry for 15 years and was constantly in and out of physical therapy. My doctor suggested I try to be more consistent with a yoga practice but it was just so slow and boring to me. After a back injury, I committed […]
Beth Shaw shares her 35 Minute Express Workout!

Begin with a YogaFit Warm-Up and a pack of your favorite Amino VITAL Action drink Leg press combined with calf raises – Four sets of 12 reps each Reverse squat machine – Four sets 10 to 12 reps each Seated rows – Four sets 12 reps each Abductor – Four sets 12 to 15 reps Bicep […]