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Become yoga fit partner

Pick your level of partnership

Become an affiliate or sponsor a training/event

Reach our network of professionals (yoga teachers, personal trainers, nurses, massage therapists, & wellness brands) by marketing at our Mind Body Fitness Conferences. and other events throughout the year. These occasions represent an opportunity for your brand to gain exposure in-person, and prior to the event across many channels- website, email blasts, direct mail, social media, podcast, & event-specific marketing. Join us as we bring our community together and share our combined messages. 

Our community is open and our touch points span 90-120 days in our event marketing cycle. Get EXPOSURE, before during and after. If you are a local brand looking for exposure, we also offer exhibit opportunities to meet our attendees and/or present information about your brand to our live but online group. Schedule a call with to discuss your goals and review YogaFit’s channels.

Create an affiliate offer for our community

With over 250,000 trained yoga teachers all across the globe, we have a captive audience that share an interest in products and services to improve individual wellness.

Our affiliate cross promotion is simple.  Arrive at a discount for our community, share the information and a share the profits. We love a win/win. And, our community loves the affiliate group we have curated for them  over the years.

Sponsor a training or event

Think about your value proposition and ideal client.  Then, match it up to over 185 YogaFit Trainings.  Got a product that will lead to longevity like our partner, Tru Niagen?! Consider sponsoring the Yoga for Longevity Trainings throughout the year. Just one example of training partnerships.

Does your product or service require some education?! Bring your value proposition to our community at our next Mind Body Fitness Conference or YogaFit regional event. It starts with logo exposure connected to the event and continues with an on-site presence.  Try and buy or learn and discover. If our demographic is your demographic let’s partner!

BE YogaFit & BE YogaFit Studio

Although we are a yoga instructor training school, the YogaFit brand also has a consumer portal and a brick and mortar studio.  BE YogaFit is the cross section of practicing yoga for health & fitness and growing in your practice for mind, body and soul.

Beth Shaw Health & Make America Healthy Podcast

YogaFit President/Founder is committed to bringing education to those seeking to uplevel their health & wellness.  She has a dedicated website to connect with those searching for solutions as well as a podcast to explore trending topics.

YogaFit Partners


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